Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Best Wat To Mount A Scope On Ar 15

Daniele Silvestri

ends with concerts in the wake of the boom. More than twenty thousand to attend last night. But the review Music continues with the live arrangements of Chaplin's silent movies every night until 27 at the Hall of the Tokyo Museum of the Present.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Miley Cyrus Billy Ray Incest

Piazza Matteotti delirious with Neffa

Yet another overflow for September Rendese. He had never seen this number of visitors in Piazza Matteotti ... and does not end here. Today's musical rest to make room for the screening of Chaplin's feature films. Limelight 18 hours, 21 Hours A King in New York, both at the Museum of the Present.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

123 Greetings New Born

And now comes Neffa

Piazza Matteotti is preparing for the concert Neff. Stage and giant screen ready. More of a puzzle in September Rendese unforgettable.

Plan B And Infection?

20,000 red roses .. Record attendance in the square R. Kennedy

Twenty thousand spectators
Massimo Ranieri, for a concert that will remain in the history of Rende.

Disco Ball Centerpieces

The host of the concert master Vessicchio Massimo Ranieri Massimo Ranieri

surprise visit from the maestro Peppe Vessicchio last night at the Museum of the Present, to pay homage to the great Ranieri and the whole group of musicians.

Monday, September 17, 2007

2001 Gsxr 750 Extended Swingarm

the highlight

Tonight the Museum of the Present will perform the most anticipated artist of this 2007 edition of the September Rendese. Un'allestimento of stage lights and creepy ...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Whisker Biscuit Installation

18 Hours Introduction photographic exhibition "Out of me" by Claudio Valerio

exhibited at the Museum of the Present about 40 photos of 7 professional photographers. The theme of the exhibition are the suburbs of Italian cities.

Friday, September 14, 2007

National Shaving Trimmer

Over 7,000 streets to Giuliano Palma ...

great success for the first evening of September Rendese, square packed and enthusiastic audience for Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Does Good Health Mean Get Well Soon

Getting ready for the concert Giuliano Palma and The Bluebeaters

Square Martin Luther King, before the Metropolis, is ready to host the opening concert of this Rendese September. Even a big screen with lots of video director to closely follow the exploits on the stage.

Cardiff Brazilian Wax

The Italian rock as demanded by the Special bloggisti

Rendese In September the people of the blog is Italian rock. Closed on our first survey. 39% of the voters is to rock. And this year will definitely not disappointed ...

Arsene Wenger Phone Number

today in the Journal of the South

A special 16-page in the newspaper Gazzetta del Sud dedicated to Rendese September.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Digital Playground Movies Watching Online

-1 day

Giuliano Palma and The Bluebeaters this will open the 43rd edition of the September Rendese. Councillor Loizzo Caesar and his trusted collaborators at the start.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Primer Melting Calculator

The set preparation at the start of the stage premiere

dramatic new look to the stage in September Rendese, ML King Tomorrow assembly in place in view of the inauguration on Thursday with a concert by Giuliano Palma & the Bluebeaters.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Labour Charges Service Tax

again 2 days for our survey

The question "What do you expect from September rendese?" starts at the end and is headed by Italian rock. There are still more than 48 hours to vote ...

Concealed Toilet Cistern Remove

disappearance at age 93 Jane Wyman

remember the actress ex-wife of Reagan, won an Oscar for the film "Johnny Belinda" in 1948, among the films shot there 's also "Magnificent Obsession" with Rock Hudson.