Friday, February 13, 2009

Support American Cancer Society

Closure of the election campaign Wednesday

concludes today with this cold campaign. They were four weeks of intense political work they have seen committed throughout the collective that brought forward the nomination of Andrew.
campaign with scant resources (were spent around 500 €) and the contribution of generous companions and comrades.
The weather has clearly favored those who could count on the mainstream media such as newspapers or television, or who has made a fine show of big sponsorship policy or it has invoked his experience amministrattiva past.
We hope to have offset this gap with our genuine and above all with the draft party that distinguishes us.
And in a moment of self-congratulation, we want to thank citing at least our names.
So thanks to (in order) Mauro, Francesca, Enzo, Maria Antonietta, Lorenzo, Ignatius, Mariafranca, Paolo, Antonello, Gianfranco, Peppino, Piero, Ilene, Tore, Gabriel, Andrea (not the candidate), Alfredo, Gesuino (from mattana!), Franco, Tetta, Anthony, Elena, Ignatius (another), Adolfo, Manuel, Emilio.
Maybe someone has escaped us, but correct!
How possible is being done, now waiting for Monday night ...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Zinc Citrate Toothpaste

11 assembly workers

Will Nero 7 Ultra Work With Win7

The struggle of the students must continue

Here is the text of the leaflet distributed Wednesday, February 4 the university canteen.

In recent months we have witnessed a drastic fall in the struggle of students, teachers and citizens against attacks at the School of Government and Research. This has happened because there may be a prolonged fermentation, if the fight does not grow qualitatively and get consistent results that strengthen the movement.
But holding to this state of affairs is likely that after the houses of Parliament approved the "reform" of the University, the Government should continue its work of dismantling of Education and Public Research, which for now has only postponed.
The measures of non-Berlusconi Gelmini-Tremonti falling from the sky, but are the result of the current economic crisis that, ultimately, leads the state to cut "unnecessary" to make money and have the necessary funds to rescue speculators, bankers and entrepreneurs clueless and greedy. For this reason, you have to start mobilizing. Starting with the next strike of February 13 Fiom metalworkers, and workers in the civil service. We must join in this event for the simple fact that, historically, only to the movement of workers, students obtained the achievements and improvements. The attack on the school is itself an attack on workers and their sons and daughters, who make sacrifices. We comply
FMC-CSU (Committee in Defense of Public School - University Students Committee), a national organization with a clear program, which seeks to give an organized expression to the fight, the will to change.
Nobody will give us nothing, we raise our head!
As young communists working in the Communist re-foundation, to ensure that the party is invaded by the struggle of students and workers and there is no room for the ambitions of bureaucrats and careerists as often happens. In our small carry the fight well in regional elections, where candidates one student worker,
aware, however, that not only is the election that things change, but actively struggling with an organization and a clear plan to advance ourselves to our needs. This is our offer, we begin to take hold of reality,
The choice is between making policy or suffer it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Parental Promasis (naming Ceremony)

Saturday, February 7 - February 2 meeting to Cossoine

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Dimensions Of A Dvd Case

, duffusione of "the worker bee" to the petrochemical You do not solve anything only with the votes .. .

... does not continue the fight! The future of petrochemicals is in your hands!
We come with the same spirit as when we brought our solidarity and struck for the closure of phenol and cumene this fall.
These votes, following the earlier resignation of Soru, place in a context of crisis that lends itself to speculation of who, looking for some votes, take advantage of your situation to make the runway.
As for us is not the first time we come here and not be the last. We also have our candidate, ANDREA LAI, for the Communist Refoundation, a young student-worker: we ask you to support it, but we are here to fight a proposal that goes beyond the election period. A proposal for a more general fight.
greeted positively suspension of layoffs and the resumption of work, but we have no illusions. For this, as we did in the assembly at the indoor stadium on January 15, we continue to propose the CASE OF RESISTANCE. The fight, especially if prolonged, involves great sacrifice. So there we have made available, urging other workers and citizens, with our initiatives and our organization for the creation of this fund in support of the strikes and workers laid off or Cig. And because
Eni and Polimeri not give clear answers about the future of petrochemicals, we think it important to go in the direction the strike on February 13, so as to feel your determination and at the same time, unify their struggle with that indicated by the FIOM and civil servants against the agreement of the CGIL separate undermines collective bargaining. And we are aware that only occupying the plant (as has happened to INNSE of Milan) will defend the factory. We will be here even if you were to do so.

The comic has been no reported INNSE interview workers in struggle against 9 months of decommissioning. The comic was released along with the flyer scioperoi on February 13 against the separate agreement.