Monday, September 6, 2010

Do I Need A Fan In The Kitchen

Test 1

There is a relationship between our childhood and adult life? The events that have involved children can influence the way we live and our current relationships? The answer is yes, absolutely.
The educational style of our parents, the quality of life we \u200b\u200bhave lived, social relations, events, any traumatic situations determine what we are.
If we add to this the influence of our inheritance, with our genes and characteristics passed down from ancestors, the magic recipe is complete.
would certainly be impossible to exclude the influence hereditary component, the result of improvements and adjustments coated over several generations, following the continuous and discontinuous trajectories of development.
If we received a balanced educational style, based on listening and support in times of difficulty, without overly rigid and authoritarian styles, we got a good start and probably will have emotional relationships more stable and satisfactory.
In this sense it is important that parents are highly responsive, ie they are ready to support the small and now the right time. Through a calm working parents must make the child understand that there are and that these rules must be followed.
At the same time, however, the child does not need oppressive mothers, too close when you want to explore the environment or totally absent when it cries and draws his attention.
The quality of attachment is important. This kind of secure base that is formed during childhood remains stable during development. Already at about 3 months the child begins to discriminate against people, especially those who take care of him, and begins like this kind of basic relationship for the future development, accentuated by 8 months onwards.
More attachment will be built on a secure basis, with an assertive and authoritarian style of education, the more the child can count on a strong and solid support, which will be especially useful for coping with stress.


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