Monday, April 12, 2010

Pokemon Platinum Chart

care of madness

very famous and full of complex elements of interpretation is the work of H. Bosch, entitled The cure of folly. The significance of the work is summarized in a written Gothic: "Meester snyt day Keye ras / / name is Myne lubbert das" , whose translation matches "Maestro hollow out the stones, my name is lubbert das".
You can see a doctor quack doctor (headgear has a funnel-like symbol of wisdom-and the walls are hung a bag full of coins, an expression of easy money) trying to extract from the head of the helpless patient stones of madness. Lubbert das it literally means "castrated dachshund, simpleton, person cage.
It may be noted also nun holding a balance on their heads a treaty of medicine, ponder on the folly and stupidity of this world.
Note the dagger that pierces the bag hanging on the side of the patient in order to steal money from the pocket of the unwary and unfortunate patient.
Bosh then deliver the authentic act of clinician charlatan (called Master) which is to extract money from the pocket of poor patient.
The belief that with surgery on the cervix could be removed by the head of the "stone of madness" was mocked in the '500 as a charlatan practice: the subject is bound so popular with the spirit and moral preaching against the vanity of art medical. Bosch's life is a perpetual use of the sins and follies that keep the man away from God

H. Bosch, The treatment of madness, c. 1490, Madrid, Prado


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